Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Destroying Downtown's Greenbelt, Phase II

City Council votes Monday on yet another "supersized" development in a Near Downtown Neighborhood. Like Near North, the developers of the Moravian are asking for the right to develop at Downtown density in an R4C neighborhood. If granted, the PUD rezoning and site plan would permit construction of a building that overwhelms the surrounding houses, and sets an even more destructive precedent than Near North.

NCPOA wrote to City Council on March 28 to oppose the Moravian's "blatant violation of both current zoning and the Central Area Plan....In accepting Near North, our biggest fear was that it might set a precedent for allowing future, even bigger projects. If the Moravian is approved, our fears will be realized, and another family neighborhood will be annexed to downtown."

Read our full letter here.

Last summer we asked, "If downtown doesn't end at Kingsley Street, where does it end?" Now we ask Council same question on the south side of downtown--if downtown doesn't end at William Street, where does it end?